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Held a consultative meeting on the future direction of business between Japan and Vietnam with the State Capital Management Commission of Vietnam and the State Forestry General Corporation of Vietnam [ONE-VALUE Co.]

Tax Investigations in Vietnam│Measures and Key Points for Japanese Companies

Forecast of Vietnam’s Economic Trends in 2023│A Review of 2022

Vietnam’s Seafood Feed Market│Overview and Future Outlook

Considerations and Facts on the Vietnamese Wood Pellet and Forest Certification System

OEM of Sewing Products in Vietnam│Current Status and Future Prospects

Explanation of Jobs in Vietnam for New Graduates: Why Consultants Are in The Spotlight

【Vietnam M&A Deal】Top-ranked food wholesaler in the industry

Risks of Doing Business in Vietnam and How to Avoid Them, as Deciphered from the Corruption Eradication Movement

【Vietnam M&A Deal】 Fast-growing EC platform

In-depth Explanation of Animal Feeds in Vietnam│Trends and Future Projections

Interview with the President of Dekonsulting|Vietnam M&A Trend in 2023

Introducing Vietnam EC Investment Projects│EC platform based on live-streaming

An In-Depth Look at Vietnam’s Entertainment and Entertainment Market│Trends and Future Forecasts

Vietnam Daily Necessities Market: Current Trends and Future Projections to 2030

Interview with The Mayor; Ataka New Industrial Park in Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture. One of The Most Accessible Manufacturing Bases in Japan

Introduction to M&A in Vietnam: Latest Trends, Foreign Investment, Regulations, and Promising Industries

Vietnam EC Market Status and Future: Cross-border EC and Digital Economy Developing

Examining the Latest Trends in Vietnam’s Refrigerated and Frozen Transportation and Cold Chain

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