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Basic Information on Quang Tri Province│63 provinces in Vietnam explained in detail


Characteristics of Qiang Tri

This report provides a comprehensive overview of Quang Tri Province, Vietnam.


Quang Tri Province is a coastal province in north-central Vietnam. It borders Quang Binh Province, Hue, Savanakhet, and Salavan provinces, Laos, and the East Sea. Its administrative center is Dong Ha City, 598 km south of Hanoi, 1,112 km north of Ho Chi Minh City, and 185 km from Danang.

Quang Chi Province is the starting point of the East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC) in eastern Vietnam, connecting Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar via the Lao Bao International Border Gate. This is an important advantage for Quang Chi Province to expand trade with various regions of Vietnam and other countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS).

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クアンチ省のDong Ha市 出所:nhandan.vn


According to the General Statistics Office, the average population in 2021 is 647,790. Of this total, the urban population will be 210,960, accounting for 32.57%; the rural population will be 436,830, accounting for 67.43%; the male population will be 321,786, accounting for 49.67%; and the female population will be 326,004, accounting for 50.33%.

Labor Resource and Average Salary

In 2021, the labor force of the entire province is estimated to be 351,630 persons aged 15 and over, accounting for 54.28% of the province’s total population. Of this total, 180,506 are males, accounting for 51.33%, and 171,124 are females, accounting for 48.67%. The urban population was 109,215, or 31.06%, and the rural population was 242,215, or 68.94%.
The number of workers employed is estimated at 339,280, accounting for 96.49% of the province’s total labor force. Of these, 154,082 work in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, accounting for 45, 41%. Workers in the industry and construction sector accounted for 64,218, or 18.93%, while the service sector accounted for 120,980, or 35.66%.
At the end of 2021, the share of workers with vocational training reached 68.5%, and the share of qualified and trained workers 32%.

Quang Chi is a relatively poor province, with Dong Ha City (Region III) having the highest minimum wage at 3.64 million VND per month, and the remaining districts (Region IV) at 3.25 million VND per month. In 2021, the average per capita income in Quang Tri Province will reach 57.5 million VND per month, an increase of nearly 5% compared to 2020.


Quang Chi Province is an important transportation hub located at the intersection of Vietnam’s trunk transportation routes, including national highways, expressways, and the North-South Railway. It is located approximately 90 km north of Dong Hoi – Quang Binh Airport and 80 km south of Phu Bai Thua Thien Hue International Airport.
Qua Viet Port: Upgraded to allow vessels up to 5,000 DWT gross tonnage to enter the port. My Thuy Deep Sea Port, associated with the Southeast Economic Zone (the closest gateway to the East Sea in the East-West Economic Corridor), has been approved by the government and has received investment to allow vessels with a gross tonnage of 100,000 DWT to enter.

Industry Strengths

  • Energy: As of 2022, Quang Tri Province has approximately 377 MW from renewable energy projects (wind, solar, and gas), with another 1,100 MW under investment and 2,764 MW pending government approval.
  • Production of building materials: The province has diverse mineral resources, especially titanium, limestone, white quartz sand, clay bricks, sand, and pebbles, which are used as raw materials for cement production and construction materials.
  • Development and processing of forest products: Quang Tri Province is a center for supplying raw materials and processing wood from planted forests in central Vietnam; in 2021, Quang Tri Province had over 245,000 hectares of forest with an average wood production of 900,000-1,000,000 m3 per year.

As of the end of May 2022, Quang Chi Province has five industrial parks and two economic zones, of which the Quang Chi Southeast Economic Zone District (established in 2015) with an area of over 23,700 hectares and belonging to three districts (Lang, Trieu Phong, Gio Linh) attracts the most investment. The land rent for industrial parks in Quang Chi Province is about 30 USD per 50 years, with a management fee of 0.2 USD/m2 .

The main industrial parks in Quang Chi Province are as follows

工業団地名Area(ha)Main Industry
Quangan318,13High-tech industry, precision machinery manufacturing, electronics industry, energy industry, fertilizer manufacturing, fish processing industry
Chief528,97Manufacture of mechanical products, telecommunications, electronic components, manufacture and assembly of electrical products, manufacture and assembly of motor vehicles, motorcycles, and means of transportation
Tay Bac Ho Xa339,36Repair of machinery, assembly of electronics, manufacture of leather shoes, clothing and handicrafts, processing of agricultural and forestry products, warehousing
Quangqi Southeast Economic Zone23.792Heavy industries such as oil and thermal power


This chapter describes the economy of Quang Tri Province.

Economic Growth

In 2021, the GRDP index for Quang Tri Province reached approximately VND21,202 billion, an increase of 6.5% over 2020.

The agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors play an important role in the province’s economic structure. In industrial production, there are many wind, solar, and hydropower projects, which have been in operation since the end of 2021, and Quang Tri Province is expected to become the energy center of central Vietnam by 2030.

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クアンチ省の30ヘクタールの風力発電所 出所:baodautu.vn

Number of Company

At the end of 2021, the total number of enterprises in Quang Tri Province was 3,059, of which 448 were newly established.

In 2021, the province had three newly approved FDI projects with a total registered capital of US$2,409 million; as of the end of June 2022, there were a cumulative 19 FDI projects with a total investment of approximately US$2.5 billion.

Most of the major investment projects in Quang Chi Province are located in the Southeast Quang Chi Economic Zone and are in the areas of energy, transportation, processing industries, clothing and leather footwear, and construction materials.

Investment Attraction Projects

Quang Chi Province is currently attracting mainly to the province’s large industrial parks in the areas of energy, port construction, warehousing, processing and manufacturing, garment and footwear, construction materials, supporting industries, and clean industries. The Southeast Coastal Economic Zone is a location that attracts many investors and offers many incentives in terms of land tax, corporate tax, and land rent.

Investment by Japanese Companies in Quang Chi Province

(urban connections to the EWEC, system drinking water and waste treatment), and investment cooperation (agriculture, industry, trade, tourism, labor, and employment). In addition, the province’s localities and Hiroshima Prefecture are cooperating with each other.

Currently, the ministry’s projects with Japan are as follows

案件名InvestorFieldYear of Investment
VSIPVietnam-Singapore Industrial Park Joint Venture Company Limited (VSIP JV)、Amata Bien Hoa Urban Joint Stock Company (Thailand)、Sumitomo Corporation (Japan)Industrial Park Infrastructure2022
The case of growing melons with surgerySeibu Nosan Corporation、Sumitomo Corporation(Japan)high-tech agriculture2017

Related Information

  • アンザン省の企画投資局

website: https://dpi.quangtri.gov.vn

Address: No. 128, Hoang Dieu Street, Dong Thanh District, Dong Ha City, Quang Tri Province











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