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Basic Information on Long An Province│63 provinces in Vietnam


Characteristics of Long An

This report provides a comprehensive overview of Vietnam’s Long An Province.


Long An is a province in the Mekong Delta region, far from Ho Chi Minh City. It is 35 km from Ho Chi Minh City. It borders Ho Chi Minh City and Tay Ninh Province to the east and northeast, Dong Thap Province and Prey Veng Province (Cambodia) to the west and northwest, and Tien Giang Province to the south. The province is part of the main economic region of the South.

画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: longan2-1024x682.jpg
ロンアン省 出所:tapchixaydung.vn


The average population of Long An Province in 2021 is estimated at 1,725.8 thousand, ranking it 15th out of 63, with a population density of 384 persons/km2 . Of the total population, urban areas accounted for 316,500, or 18.34%, and rural areas for 1,409,300, or 81.66%. The male population is 861.5 thousand, or 49.9%, and the female population is 864.3 thousand, or 50.1%.

Labor Resource and Average Salary

In 2021, the labor force aged 15 and older is estimated to be 992,700, representing 56.3% of the province’s total population, of which 15.1% of workers are in vocational training.

The highest minimum wage in Long An is VND4,160,000/month in Tan An City, Duc Hoa, Ben Luc, Tu Tua, Canh Duoc and Canh Duoc districts (Region II), while the minimum wage in poor areas (Region IV) is VND3,250,000/month.


Long An has a well-developed transportation system by road, rail, and water. In particular, the province has the Long An International Port, which is the center of import and export of goods in the Mekong Delta region, and the Binh Hiep Border Gate, where direct trade with Prey Voa International Border Gate takes place.

Industry Strengths

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ロンアン省における農業 出所:vietgiaitri.com

Long An has become a major industrial center in the South. As of August 2021, the province had 58 industrial zones and clusters with infrastructure investment policies totaling approximately 13,500 hectares. Of these, 16 industrial zones are in operation, covering an area of approximately 2,385 hectares, attracting 1,664 projects. The leased land area is about 720 hectares, and the occupancy rate of industrial parks is about 90%.

Tandoland (250 ha), Prodezi Industrial Park (400 ha), Tan Tap Industrial Park (654 ha), and Loc Giang Industrial Park (466 ha) are to be opened. The Ministry is urging investors in these industrial parks to take action to implement their investment projects.


This chapter describes the economy of Long An Province.

Economic Growth

In 2021, the size of Long An’s GRDP (at current prices) will reach VND81,447.7 billion. Among them, the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sector reached 13,753.6 billion VND, accounting for 16.05% of GRDP; the construction sector reached 40,842.84 billion VND, accounting for 51.15%; and the services sector reached 21,336.7 billion VND, accounting for 26.27%. GRDP per capita (current price) in 2021 is estimated at VND80.08 million, which is equivalent to US$3,468/capita/year.

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ロンアン省の果物 出所:baolongan.vn

Number of Company

According to the Bureau of Statistics, at the end of 2021, there were 11088 firms in the province, of which 1419 were newly registered.


By 2030, Long An will prioritize the development of high-tech applied industries, advanced industries, clean industries, and supporting industries to attract investment and develop handicrafts. It will focus on the development of various sectors, focusing on food and beverage processing, mechanical engineering, plastics, printing, electronics, building materials, logistics industry, and clean energy industry.

Investment by Japanese Companies in Long An Province

As of 2022, Japanese FDI projects in Long An are increasing in size and investment capital. The province has 131 projects by Japanese firms worth approximately US$479 million.

The main examples of investments in Long An are as follows

Project nameInvestorFieldYear of investment
Biomass power plantELEX Corporation – Japanenergy2022

Related Information

  • ロンアン省の企画投資局

website: https://sokhdt.longan.gov.vn/

address: No. 61, Truong Dinh Street, District 1, Tan An, Long An Province







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